Instagram take over

Is your Student Society looking for more ways to spread the word about what you do? Want to find more ways to recruit members?

Send us a DM on Instagram for a Take Over. You can choose a date and we will check if it is available and give you a temporary password.

When hosting a takeover, this is some of the content you may include:  

  • Show and tell fellow students about what you are and what you do.

  • If you are recruiting, give info about how students can get in contact with you.

  • In generel, tell all the students in Bergen about your organisation and why they should join. 

Some guidelines apply: 

  • Student Bergen is not a platform for political statements 

  • Student Bergen is not a platform for attacks on individuals or other organisations 

  • Student Bergen is not a platform for offensive language 

Please tag us and use #studentbergen and #studybergen