Bergen Chirurgiske Sælskab (BCS)
Bergen Chirurgiske Sælskab (BCS) is a voluntary association for all medical students at UiB, and we have over 600 members today. Our main goal is to increase interest in surgery by being an arena where you have the opportunity to practice simple surgical skills under good and safe guidance.
The studenty society was founded in 2018 by committed students who wanted to create something that the faculty cannot offer. We at BCS set up several courses each semester where you can practice various practical skills. Whether you will soon have a practical exam, start practicing with a license, or just want to learn out of curiosity, we warmly welcome you to our courses! Become a member by sending an e-mail to with the following:
• Name
• E-mail address
• Class (e.g. 20 or 18B)
All members receive updates by email about events and registration. Also follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information about the association!