Bergen Rød Ungdom
Bergen Rød Ungdom fights against oppression and exploitation. We work for women's liberation, against racism, and we provide a platform for young people to fight against capitalism. We work for workers and the oppressed to take power through revolution, and together create a classless society, communism.
Socialism is a pretty simple idea. Socialism means that the resources are jointly owned, that together we take control of society. This is a question of power. Today, it is the big companies and the billionaires who are gathering more and more power. Socialism means that this power is transferred to democracy, by transferring property into the hands of the people.
It is about time to do something. If you are interested in fighting with us for a socialist people's government then join us at meetings, actions, demonstrations and other events! We continuously update this page with current political issues and progressive political activism in the Bergen area.