Congregatio Forensis

Congragatio Forensis is the Faculty of Law’s student society for practical and academic support during the study period. 

CF Bergen offers the first mentoring scheme for law students in Bergen. We match you up with an experienced lawyer who can give you insight into working life, share their experiences and give you advice tailored to your needs. The mentoring scheme is open to all law students, regardless of grades, background or prior experience. 

Congregatio Forensis' vision is to make the transition from law studies to business life easier. We are here to create a close relationship between the students and actors in business, and to provide increased understanding of law and business in practice. 

CF is a nationwide association for law students and operates at the law faculties in Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø. Since its inception in 2004, CF has grown to become the largest student association at the faculty in Oslo and a central part of student life in Bergen. 

Who can join?

Students at the Faculty of Law


Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1

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