Etnografen – Student society at Social Antropology

Etnografen is the student society for students at Social Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences.

Etnografen organises parties, seminars, film screenings, critical thinking day (called “fagkritisk dag” in Norwegian, this is a forum to discuss and criticise current and relevant topics in your field), “stipendpils” (literally translates to “paycheck beer”, this is the day students receive their student loan and celebrate by going out for beers!), and other professional and social arrangements. 

Etnografen takes up matters that are important to preserve the integrity of the subject at the faculty and engage in questions that apply to the daily study life of the students in Social Anthropology. 

We are the link between the students and the university, and are therefore involved in various meetings to ensure that we get to hear and are heard. We also work to maintain and strengthen cooperation with other student associations at the institute. This happens through the Studentutvalget, which consists of representatives from all subject committees at the Faculty of Social Sciences and student representatives on the Fakultetsstyret. They can be reached at 

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram @etnografen_uib for more useful information and updates! 

Who can join?

Students at anthropology, UiB

Social Media