
If you are passionate about programming, technology, networks and/or open-source code, then friByte is perfect for you!

friByte is a student society that originated from Det Akademiske Kvarter's former IT department, the E-service. 

What is the goal of friByte? 

Deliver secure, high-quality IT services to student organisations. Maintain an active learning environment for students interested in IT. Promoter for the ethical use of software and personal data. Be a contributor to the development and improvement of open and free software. We also aim to operate as many IT solutions as possible for various student societies. See our clients for an overview of the student societies we assist. 

friByte is for you who want to be able to… 

  • Setting up network 
  • Manage Linux servers 
  • Use the version control system Git

Immerse yourself in at least one of the following areas: 

  • Online programming 
  • Web design 
  • System administration 
  • Server operation 
  • Network 

We are looking for new members

Who can join?

Anyone interested in technology, open source code and networks.

Social Media