Engineers without borders Hordaland
Use your knowledge for something bigger than yourself!
Ingeniører Uten Grenser has its origins in a local aid commitment among both engineers and engineering students across the country. Through help from, among others, NITO and Tekna, this commitment was continued into a formal organisational establishment on February the 7th 2011.
The Hordaland department is for both students and professionals and was established in the summer of 2012 to be IUG Norge’s extended arm in the Bergen area.
For students:
1. To create a meeting place for students with an interest in the aid topic.
2. Inspire students to – and create interest in – making a difference in the world.
3. Give students opportunities to include relevant topics in their education and skills.
We arrange lectures from the field, plan courses and work to create contact with local life and collaborate with aid organisations.
If you want to contribute with assistance, we welcome everyone!
You do not need any qualifications to join.