Inkogvito - Linjeforening for Kognitiv Vitenskap ved UiB

Inkogvito's main focus is to strengthen social cohesion and the academic content linked to our studies. 

Cognitive Science is a small study where each class only consists of 20–30 students each year. When the groups are so small, the social cohesion and culture of the students is all the more important. Inkogvito was therefore founded in the spring of 2021, aiming to improve the student life of all our students. With this new centralized body for Cognitive Science, it was also possible to have a more general focus on business and the academic structure of our study. 

Inkogvito organises many varied social activities each year which are intended to strengthen cohesion both within and between study years. Our aim is to ensure that Cognitive Science is and remains an attractive and academically relevant study. Inkogvito is constantly working to maintain a good dialogue with the business world to inform companies about our study, while at the same time we work to help our students find relevant jobs. Our goal is that Cognitive Science should be attractive to have on your CV. 

We are looking for new members

Who can join?

All students at Cognitive Science, UiB

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