Medisinsk Studentutvalg (MEDSU)

The Medical Student Council (MEDSU) is the highest student democratic body at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bergen.

MEDSU works for students' rights across the fields of study, is the link between students and the faculty, has the ultimate responsibility for fadderuken (a week of happenings for new students), appoints student representatives at the faculty and distributes money to the student organisations. 

MEDSU's overall purpose is to contribute to a good everyday study life for all students at MED. MEDSU must contribute to good academic and social cohesion, as well as uphold health profession tradition and its importance in society. MEDSU must look after the interests of all students at MED. MEDSU is the students' voice towards administration and staff at the faculty. 

MEDSU's membership is all students who in the current semester have paid semester fees and have the right to vote at MED. 

Who can join?

Students at the Faculty of Medicine, UiB



Haukelandsveien 28

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