Norwegian School of Economics Student Union (NHHS)

NHHS is one of Norways most active student unions, with a great number of subcommittiees

In 1936, the student union at NHH was formed. Now, 75 years later, the activity in NHHS is higher than ever. Currently, the association counts 27 comittees and 70 + interest groups. The student association has an offer for each and everyone. The activity is high, and queues are long. Everyone wants to be a part of it.

What started out as a handful of guys in a basement 75 years ago, is today a million enterprise with a lot to offer - NHHS is therefore rightly called the most active student association in Norway!


Backline Foto NHHS
Grafisk NHHS Hytteutvalget
International Committee it.gruppen
K7 Bulletin K7 Minutter
Klubb og Kulturutvalget Markedsgruppen
MEBA international student council NHH Aid
NHHI NHHS Consulting
Næringslivutvalget Profileringsutvalget
Regnskapsgruppen Studentpolitisk Utvalg NHHS
Studentutvalget ved NHH Stafkom
Teknisk gruppe Økonomiformidlingen


Prosjekt organizations

UKEN i Bergen
SL Bergen Challenge
NHH Symposiet

Who can join?

Students at NHH



Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen

Web page

Social Media