Om i Morgen
About tomorrow is a foundation with dedicated students from various fields of study who volunteer for a society without greenhouse gas emissions.
The Om i Morgen Foundation has grown rapidly since its establishment in July 2019 and now has over 15 dedicated members. The foundation’s purpose is to create meeting places for knowledge sharing about the climate and nature crisis. The foundation’s values are to challenge, collaborate, and share knowledge.
Om i Morgen challenges the notion that the world has plenty of time.
Om i Morgen builds bridges between academia, business, and politics.
Sharing Om i Morgen promotes interdisciplinary dialogue that contributes to increased action competence.
We want to hear from you - together we can challenge and make a difference!
We are looking for new members
Who are we looking for?
Interessert i hva stiftelsen gjør og hvordan vi jobber?
Da er du velkommen til å delta på allmøtene våre. Kom innom Villhuset siste onsdag i måneden kl 17. Sees der!
Who can join?
All students
Contact info
Nikolaikirkeallmenningen 2b