The Education Students

The Education Students (ES) in the Union of Education Norway. 

The Education Students is a special interest organisation for students at all levels of the educational system – from pre-school teachers to educaters in higher education. The Union of Education is our parent organisation. ES is a political independent trade organisation wich works to take care of and promote education students’ intrest. ES’ main responsibility is the quality of our educations.

We take responsibility for our members’ student rights, the position of profession in the education and take care of the status of the educations.  To make sure that you get the best outcome of your study years, and that you always have the best teachers, ES has established local organisations at some of the education institutions. ES local organisations agency social happenings, slitedays to all our memebers, assistens members and talk with teachers and the leadership on the University and Collage.

In Bergen you’ll find your local organisation at Bergen University College and at NLA College.

Who can join?

Anyone at a study that qualifies to work in a Norwegian school or kindergarten.

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