Tidsskriftet Replikk

Journal for Social Sciences and Humanities. 

The journal Replikk” (meaning Reply) is an independent and non-commercial journal created by students and recent graduates at the University of Bergen. We are the Universitys’ only interdisciplinary journal for the social sciences and humanities and focus on current and exciting topics that are discussed across both genres and fields of study. In addition to academic articles, we print interviews, art contributions and a varied selection of short, fictional texts. With theme-based issues, we strive for the contributions as a whole to create interdisciplinary dialogue between the various disciplines. Our ambition is that Replikk", with its distinctive combination of academic and popular cultural perspectives should provide you as a reader with valuable professional replenishment, while it can also be the magazine you bring with you on your coffee break. 

Would you like to help create Replikk”? Feel free to send us an e-mail to redaktor@tidsskriftetreplikk.no and tell us a little about yourself and which position you could imagine.

Who can join?

Every student in Bergen

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