Samfunnsviternes Arbeidslivsutvalg

Samfunnsviternes Arbeidslivsutvalg is run by students at the Faculty of Social Sciences at UiB. 

S.A.U. mediates contact between the students at the faculty and actors in working life and offers services and creates events that give employers the opportunity to profile themselves to the students at UiB. S.A.U. wants to convey an understanding of working life and knowledge of career opportunities to the students. The organisation wants to be able to help students identify their potential in a large job market. 

S.A.U. are divided into three subgroups. Bedriftsgruppen works towards business and organises company presentations, among other things. Arrangementsgruppen is responsible for the management of internal and external events, such as popular lectures. Markedsføringsgruppen works internally and externally to profile S.A.U.'s activities among students and companies. 

Who can join?

Students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UiB


Fosswinckels gate 6, 5007 Bergen

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