Studentersamfunnet i Bergen

Studentersamfunnet is the meeting point for students actively engaged in society, culture and politics. Hosts lectures and debates.

The Student Society in Bergen is the city’s oldest general student organisation and the largest politically independent forum for social and cultural debate in Western Norway. With over 100 volunteers and a rich history, we operate with one goal in mind: “To bring together students and the city for initiatives that can promote unity, spiritual formation, and interest in general cultural issues.”

The Student Society organizes at least 5 meetings a week and has a multitude of events around Bergen. 

The Society belongs to The Academic Quarter, the student’s cultural house in Bergen. The two organizations have close historical ties, but are not identical. Our meetings should be an arena for free exchange of words and dissemination of scientific, political, and cultural issues. The program is planned, booked, and carried out entirely by volunteer students from the city’s different educational institutions, and the organization is also supported by a resource group consisting of established academics and well-known cultural personalities. The events that are arranged are open to everyone, both students and the city’s residents in general.

In 2024, we turn 90 years old and this will be celebrated among other things with a series of major events, hope to see you there!


Annual and regular events

Aarebrot Lecture - honoring the oral storytelling tradition that Frank Aarebrot was a strong advocate for.

Grung Lecture - annual memorial lecture


Who can join?



Fosswinckelsgate 7, 5007 Bergen

Social Media