Studentutvalget ved SV-fakultetet
Studentutvalget SV is the highest student political body at the SV Faculty. Leader and Deputy Leader are your closest form representatives as a student at SV.
We represent the students in many councils and committees at the faculty. We organise social and academic events, SUSV's mandate is to make student life at the faculty better. We are the link between the students and the faculty.
You can contact the student committee with any problem that has to do with your everyday study life, and which is not of an academic nature. For questions, please contact your respective subject committee.
Do not hesitate to send us questions, complaints or other inquiries! Use the questionnaire or send us a message on Facebook/Instagram.
Who can join?
Students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UiB
Lauritz Meltzers Hus. Foswinckels Gate 6 0.etg. Rom 022