Vocal ensemble Multa Paucis
Multa Paucis (lat. «to say much in few») is an award-winning women's choir founded by conductor and artistic director Mikael Ringstad Hedne in 2008.
The goal was to start a women's choir with a high artistic level, and to cultivate a Scandinavian choir sound. This is also reflected in the name of the choir; it was more important to develop an amateur ensemble with an almost professional level rather than to attract as many members as possible. In recent years, the choir has worked actively to sharpen its genre affiliation. Thus, the Scandinavian ideal of sound is steadily refined by the presentation of contemporary music. In parallel, the traditional music is performed with a performance practice inspired by the quince tradition. The choir works in the extension of this extension with improvisational expressions, which contributes to new and boundary-breaking expressions at the choir's concerts.
Multa Paucis has become known in the Bergen region, and later also outside, as the "folk music choir". This is largely due to the choir's work in performing folk music based on the quince tradition. Over the course of several years, the singers in Multa Paucis have been trained in the stylistic features of Norwegian folk music, both in terms of singing technique, ornamentation, timbre, phrasing and text processing.